A very suitable substitute

Release time: 2023-09-19 15:22:04

Pea protein is a viable alternative to eggs, a boon for egg-free eaters.

Food scientists reliably studying NDSU have conclueded that pea protein not only performed comparable to eggs in preliminary tests, but also proved to be a viable Alternative to eggs, especilally in popular baked goods. Pea protein is similar to egg Protein and both have similar emulsifying properties. Pea protein has excellent foam Stability comparable to egg white peotein and has been found to perform better than or equal to eggs in cookies, cakes, waffles or muffins in baking experiments.

As you can imagine, the market for functional egg substitutes is exploding, and the tens of millions of people who are allergic or intolerant to eggs and egg products no longer have egg allergies or intolerances that prevent them from enjoying such treats as walnut chocolate breads, cakes, muffins, and hazelnut pretzels.

Prev: Pea protein can improve the quality of protein, high content without changing its flavor Next: Various applications of Pea Proein in food
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