The new plant-based revolution

Release time: 2023-09-19 15:18:46

In January 2019, DuPont Nutrition and Health in conjunction with Health Focus International Released a report on changing trends in plant-based diets in the United States, interviewing more than 1,000 U.S.consumers about their eating habits. The results show that 52% of U.S. consumers prefer plant-based foods and beverages, and almost 60% of respondents say the shift to a plant-based diet will be permanent. One striking example is that consumers who once opted for whey based protein powders are increasingly opting for plant-based sources such as peas or rice.

With the innovative development of food, ingredient list plays an extremely important role in the minds of consumers, which affects the function and taste of food. More and more consumers have higher expectatios for the original ingredients,which further promotes the industrial chain upgrade of pea protein raw materials.

We have also noticed that with the rapid development of biotechnology, more and more production enterprises continue to expand their research and development efforts, independently develop various innovative pea protein raw materials, and improve the application and commercialization process of pea protein.

Traditional animal husbandry has provided a continuous supply of protein products for humans for thousands of years. However, in modern society,people's awareness of health and environmental protection is at an unprecedented high. More and more consumers have a deeper understanding of the connection between food choices, health and the environment, and begin to expand their health concerns from themselves to the whole ecology, seeking to build a sustainable dynamic balance between people and the earth.

With the upgrade of consumption, enterprises from all over the world are using a variety of new technologies and methods, or transformation, or change, to promote the "protein revolution", and more and more consumers have begun to get protein from traditional meat to plant-based protein.

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